Terms and Conditions

Terms of Service

General information and terms and conditions

§ 1 Legal information on the treatment contract

1. The general terms and conditions regulate the treatment contract in accordance with §§ 611 ff BGB unless otherwise agreed in writing between the contracting parties. Furthermore, the patient rights law regulated in the BGB § 630 ah

2. The Praxis Element is entitled to reject a treatment contract without giving reasons in the following ways: - the required relationship of trust cannot be fulfilled - the physiotherapist and related kinesiologist cannot / may not treat due to his specialization or for legal reasons - for reasons of conflict of conscience. In this case, the fee claim for the services incurred up to the refusal of treatment, including treatment, remains.

§ 2 Scope / Basics

1. The remuneration for professional services of the physiotherapists is not regulated nationwide by laws or ordinances in Germany. Unless otherwise agreed, the fee overview (GebüTh) regulates the billing of these services. The fee in the version used by the service provider is the basis of the fee agreement.

2. As a rule, Element is not aware of any agreements between the patient and his or her health insurer or benefit agency. The different tariffs of private health insurances or federal and / or state aid guidelines for civil servants and their family members are therefore not relevant for pricing within the framework of the GebüTh and do not apply as a "deviating agreement" according to §2 paragraph 1.

3. The fees and the remuneration specified therein are updated regularly. They represent an overview of the usual remuneration billed by therapeutic products providers in the Federal Republic of Germany.

4. These regulations "General principles of fee calculation in therapy practices according to GebüTh (AGB)" apply as general terms and conditions of the practice within the meaning of § 305 BGB. These are always updated on the Internet at www.privatpreise.de.

5. Remuneration may only be calculated for services that are provided within the framework of professional regulations and are required according to the rules of medicine for the medically necessary supply of therapeutic products. The therapeutic product provider may charge for services that go beyond this if they have been provided at the request of the payer.

§ 3 Remuneration / Fee / Fee

1. Contracts between the Element practice and the patient are always agreed in writing. Each contract partner receives a copy of the signed contract.

1a. The names of the contractual partners, the service and the amount of the agreed remuneration for each individual service must be recorded in the contracts.

3. The fee agreement applies regardless of the reimbursement practice of the cost bearers.

4. Element reserves the right to terminate the agreement without notice in the event of price adjustments.

5. Fees are remuneration or fees for the remedies named in the fee.

6. Achievements in this directory that go beyond the requirements that are met by the state recognition in the respective occupation are marked as certificate achievements.

§ 4 Assessment of the fees for services of the GebüTh

1. The amount of the individual fee is based on 1.4 to 2.3 times the standard rate specified in the fee per service unit.

2. Within the fee framework, the fees are to be determined at reasonable discretion, taking into account the necessary professional qualifications, the difficulty and the time required of the individual service, the necessary preparatory and reworking as well as the circumstances during the execution. Regional aspects and practical features also play a role in determining the level of the fees.

3. Services that are not included in the fee will be billed in the same way.

§ 5 home visit

As compensation for home visits, a home visit lump sum or travel allowance per kilometer according to the standard rate of the service overview is billed.

§ 6 Billing / Invoicing

1. If the due date of the remuneration is not expressly stated, the remuneration is always due after the individual service has been performed, but no later than 14 days after the invoice date.

2. The invoice contains the first and last name, as well as the address of the patient, if relevant, reference to the medical diagnosis / prescription, all types of services, the amount of the agreed remuneration for the individual services.

3. The applicable VAT rate is not shown, as physiotherapists are exempt from VAT according to § 4 UStG.

§ 7 compensation for failure

1. The Element practice and the patient assume that the fixed appointments are kept punctually. For missed appointments by the patient that are not canceled in good time 24 hours in advance in accordance with Sections 304 and 615 BGB, the patient pays the agreed treatment price for each appointment not canceled in good time - unless the delay in the cancellation is not his fault.

1a .. Delays by the patient do not constitute a follow-up treatment obligation due to Element, and a reduction in the treatment time due to the patient not reducing the fee to be paid.

§ 8 Accompanying Kinesiology: Note / Agreement / Fee

1. The companion kinesiologist and client agree to hold sessions to develop the client's body and mind. In the sessions, the accompanying kinesiologist trains the client in terms of accompanying kinesiology.

2. The course of the session is determined by the client and depends on his needs.

3. The Praxis Element and the client assume that the deadlines set are kept punctually. For missed appointments by the client that are not canceled in good time 24 hours in advance, the client pays the agreed meeting price for each appointment that is not canceled in good time - unless the delay in the cancellation is not his fault. Delays by the client do not constitute a follow-up treatment obligation by Element, and a shortening of the session time due to the client not reducing the fee to be paid.

4. The accompanying kinesiologist receives a fee of 35, - € / per 20min, 95, - € / per 60min from the client.

5. Accompanying kinesiology is used as an adjunct, is not a medicine and is not a sufficient substitute for medical or psychotherapeutic treatment. It is to be understood as health and life counseling and does not serve to treat and cure illnesses.

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